This allows you to book goods received from purchase orders into stock.
Note: you are still required to book in stock for direct delivery orders
to confirm
that the purchase order has been fulfilled. Otherwise the purchase order and
sales order will show as outstanding and the sales order will not be able to be
1. Select Gx Stock on the toolbar.
2. Select Receive Goods Into Stock from the menu.
3. Select the Purchase Order Number from the drop-down menu.
4. Enter the supplier delivery note number as the Receipt Reference.
5. Select the Warehouse these goods are to be booked into from the drop-down menu.
6. Amend the Cost Price if necessary. This will update the product Valuation Price in Product Details depending on the Cost
Valuation Method set up.
7. Ensure the Received quantity is correct for each product line. Amend this
quantity if the full order quantity of the line has not been received.
8. The Complete check-box will be ticked if you have received this line in full.
This removes the purchase order from the outstanding purchase order list.
If you are waiting for a back order delivery from your supplier you should
leave the box unticked. You can then come back into Gx Stock\Receive
Goods Into Stock when the goods arrive and book in the outstanding
lines. If you have not received the line in full but are not expecting the
outstanding goods to be delivered (for example if the item is discontinued
or your supplier requires you to place a new order for shortages), you
should book in the quantity actually received and tick the box to indicate
that this line is complete despite not receiving the full quantity ordered. If
the full quantity of the line is marked as unreceived but complete, the
goods will reappear on the shopping list allowing you to re-order them.
part of the line is booked in, but part is marked as unreceived but
complete, you will need to adjust the sales order quantity to the match the
number received. A new line will need keyed onto the sales order for the
unfulfilled goods to put them back on the shopping list. You can select the
same or an alternative supplier to reorder the shortage.